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Support for GDPR?


With GDPR soon to be enforced on all customers with web prescence doing business in the EU, I was expecting to find at least something regarding this on the Episerver World site. However, a search yields 0 results. Could some Episerver representative shed some lights on what is already supported, and what is in the pipeline since there must be thousands of sites affected by this and you want to avoid that all partners have to figure out what to do and then do custom solutions for all requirements from GDPR?

Oct 12, 2017 5:57

These might be useful: 

Oct 12, 2017 9:00

Hi Quan!

Thanks for the links. I am aware of these, and I also aware that these are general high level recommendations to what GDPR is and not really how the Episerver product quite supports requirements. If you read this article in CMS Wire and Peters comments, he clearly states that Episerver is working on parts regarding product support for GDPR. I am interested in what this actually means and how the roadmap looks for these features:

Oct 12, 2017 9:28

Hi Linus, the Episerver Trust Center is where you will find relavent information regarding our data privacy positions including GDPR. 

In addition, we are hosting a GDPR webinar on October 24th that might help shed more light on this: 

Oct 12, 2017 17:06

Thanks Brian! Will join the webinar to get more insights on this.

Oct 13, 2017 4:52

Any possibility to watch the webinar again? I missed out... :(

Oct 27, 2017 15:37

Hi Andreas

You can now watch the webinar on demand:


Oct 28, 2017 10:38

@linus Was the webinar helpful in terms of GDPR in episerver platform(s)?

Nov 30, 2017 11:50

Hi guys,

Now we're looking through the final stuff for GDPR and have some questions that might specific for EPiServer:

  • For consent:
    • Do we need to have a consent checkbox for every EPiServer Forms? What will be the best practice that we should use the built-in EPiServer checkbox or build a customized checkbox?
    • What will be the process to revoke consent in the form/ form submissions/ database
  • If you get the request from the customer that wants to be forgotten, what actions you will do in EPiServer site to comply with GDPR.
  • Do you need to get the double opt-in for every form to be ready for GDPR?

Great thanks for all your feedbacks.

Edited, Mar 14, 2018 11:48

While I don't have definitive answers for you, I think Arild made a lot of good points in his posts - those can be useful as well

Mar 15, 2018 14:21

Hi! Did you solve any of your questions and how? =)

Kind regards / Henric

May 15, 2018 13:51

Hi Henric,

We solved the questions ( or at least I think that we have done most of the actions needed :) )

The first thing to remember is it's important that you have the DPO ( Data Protection Officer ) to cooperate with you on that.

  • For consent: 
    • We built a customized form field in EPiServer for consent check box to allow the Editor easy to manage the consent type and message.
    • To revoke/remove form submissions, we implement a tool to do it.
  • If you get the request from the customer that wants to be forgotten, what actions you will do in EPiServer site to comply with GDPR: it is up to the process in your company, the customer could contact with the company using the phone, email, or specific page to order the request. I think it's simple to have it in email and then the customer support could pick up the order.
  • Do you need to get the double opt-in for every form to be ready for GDPR? - not mandatory right now but it's always good to have it in place.


May 21, 2018 10:37
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