EPiServer Automated Deployments and site initialisation



We have just started implementing automated deployments for our EPiServer sites, but one thing we would like to do as part of the deployment is to initialise a default site as part of the deployment.

What is the recommended way to do this?

The import and export functionality does not really fit our needs as we will need to include permissions, etc nto just the content types, and the export package is not really editable by developers for simple changes.


Nov 08, 2017 0:57

I believe the best way to handle content initialization is by writing a custom InitializationModule. There you can use things like IContentRepository and ISiteDefinitionRepository to do the majority of your work.

Nov 13, 2017 7:39

Yeah, that gets messy when you try to handle pages that contians blocks that contains other blocks with links to pages, etc and you need to initialize a large sites in a generic way (i.e. easy to review and modify).

I was hoping someone else had come up with a better solution that handled the page-> block -> block releationships so we didn't have to write the code.

Nov 13, 2017 7:44
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