Assuming you have separate editors for each site, you could use permissions to set whether a given tab is visible. You can set the permissions either in Admin -> Config -> Edit Tabs, setting the "Requires access level" value or you can set it in a code-first way by using the [RequiredAccess] attribute on your GroupName definition.
Thanks for reply. Edit and Delete is disabled for the Chat. But I want to hide Site Pecific EPiServer Properties as well along with Tab. How can we Hide Specific EPi Properties.
//Sanket Mahimkar
Generally my preferred option is to put all of the restricted properties into a separate tab then apply access restrictions to that tab as this route is supported out of the box with Episerver. If you need to restrict individual properties within a given tab, you'll need to do some work in customising the UI.
As luck would have it, Linus Ekstrom wrote a blog post a while ago with a proof-of-concept solution for this kind of granular control at a property level which may well help you along the way:
I am using EPiServer CMS 10.3.1 hosted in Azure Cloud. We have 2 different websites (Codebase is same but database is different) for Sweden and Finland sites. There is specific need to Finland site for some EPiServer Properties. I want ot create aTab which will only be visible to Finland site. How can we show/Hide specific properties/tab of Model in edit mode.
One of way I think is by using CustomAttrinute on Property or Tab. Can anyone let me know the solution.
//Sanket Mahimkar