Is the Episerver Scheduler Windows service installed and running on the machine you are testing on?
Yes ,Episerver Scheduler Windows service installed and running on the machine i m testing on
So there's no error message in the History tab for the scheduled job?
There might be other queued jobs in tblScheduledItem that prevents your job from starting.
Have a look at the troubleshooting suggestions at
If clearing the queue doesn't help, you might want to add more logging to see where the scheduler service stops:
Like I wrote on that SO post...
If your tblScheduledItem is missing the column SecondsAfterLastPing you should apply this hotfix:
Otherwise all scheduling can stop completely and never recover.
Hi ,
Please Help!
I have created a scheduled job in EPiServer 6.0 programatically(below is my code).After exectuing below code, job with name MyJob has created in Episerver.
When i clicks on run manually button, job runs fine and job execution details enters correctly in episerver database table tblScheduledItem. The LastExecution and NextExecution datetime details enters in tblScheduledItem table in UTC datetime format not in my system's datetime format (i.e. GMT+5:30).
I clicked on Active checkbox and enabled the job and set the Next Schedule datetime two minutes ahead of my system's current datetime and finally click on save button. One message appears Settings has been saved . Now i wait for two minuts to run the job autamatic after two minute , but my job did not run on saved time interval.
The problem is coming, job is not running on scheduled time interval.
[ScheduledPlugIn(DisplayName = "MyJob", Description = "test job", SortIndex = 1)]
public class MySecondJob
public static void Execute()
Console.Write("Your Job Executed ");
Please Help!