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Customizing the TinyMCE Table plugin attributes


Hi i am so much struggling with tinymce 2 can you help me understand  some modification on table. Fir starters how to add default CSS class to the table? When I add a table it should have a default CSS class e.g class="table" without any styles attributes. Currently when i add the table it comes with syles style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;" border="1".

So how to remove these attribuets by default? Soeme one sugeested the following, but how can I use it in C# code?

Jul 11, 2018 17:46

Probably not the best way, but working for me.... I Can not really remember how I managed to find out this fix, but somehow does the border=1 interfere with the setting of a table class. I have set the border to 0, then the class propery can successfully be set

                config.Default().AddSetting("visual_table_class", "table");
                config.Default().AddSetting("table_default_attributes", new { border = 0 });
Jul 12, 2018 8:21
Per Jungnelius - Feb 03, 2021 15:47
Since this issue is closed I can't post an answer so I'll suffice with a comment.
For me setting "visual_table_class" to a non default value interfered with the edit experience of tables.
I eventually managed to use the "table_default_attributes" settings instead:
config.Default().AddSetting("table_default_attributes", new { Class = "table" });
(also paired with config.Default().AddSetting("table_default_styles", new { });

Thank you Sven that was really helpful

Jul 12, 2018 10:02
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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