Hi Praful,
Try using a PropertyFor instead of DisplayFor - that should fetch the correct template from the TemplateDescriptor settings you have provided.
Hey Paul, thanks for the reply.
Sorry for the confusion. Actual both (PropertyFor() & DisplayFor()) were working. The actual issue I figured out was backend logical mistake. we have same content area proeprties on current and parent product. We are fatching the parent as fallback (if currnent product's property is empty). We had a logical mistake in code that it was not including the current product to see the item in content area and only included the parent. And in cms the parent's content area was empty.
My bad :(
Apologies for the confusion.
Hi, I have a Block without controller. I want to create a Tag based contoller using TemplateDescriptor feature. This is code for the controller with tag.
Here Tag name value is
public const string ProductFaqs = "ProductFaqs";
View template for the default block is working, but when I created a controller with TemplateDescriptor the controller is not hitting.
Here I added Tag to render that, this isn't hitting controller with Tag and not event rendering the default view template.
Any thoughts?