Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Just update the nuget packages, and for updating database schema, just use the updateDatabaseSchema attribute on episerver.framework in web.config?
<episerver.framework updateDatabaseSchema="true">
Thank you very much Thomas for your answer and help.
I need to know one more thing as mentioned below .
After upgrading epi version in Local machine if i want to commit this into VSTS code repository Should I commit only package.config and web.config files or i need to commit other folder and DLL and changed code files ?
Hi Sourav,
Please follow the instruction provided by Episerver.
In addition to what Ravindra and Tomas mentioned, if you are on an Episerver DXC, then by default DXC platform sets an appsettings called "AutoMigrateEPiServer" to "true" (if it is not, then you may request them to set the value to true). It ensures you do not need to include updateDatabaseSchema=true on your episerver framework config as it is a file usually shared among developers and it is a process developers may prefer controlling the the execution ondemand instead of auto-executing it.
You can't run update-epidatabase on Azure or DXC as you don't have VS there. The answer above is correct, the recommended way is to add updateDatabaseSchema=true to episerver.framework (the setting is actually added to address that problem). You can also point your connectionStrings to production database and run update-epidatabase, but that is not the best way.
AutoMigrateEPiServer is only needed if you are running Commerce, and even with Commerce it's not required. You will be able to access to migrate view to run the migration steps manually
I am Looking for Steps needed to be performed for Episerver version upgrade form 11.12 to latest version in DXC environment.
Could please tell me the steps.
And Should i run the command -" update-epidatabase" ? But if i run this then it will effect my local database how it will effect dxc enviornment databases.
Could you please help me to give these above answer.