Proper way for paging repeated data within a block



We have several custom blocks within our project which require repeated data to be listed but i'm trying to find some information on how is the best way to setup data paging within an EPiServer block using MVC since I assume that because it's a partial view that it needs to be handled differently? I've successfully done paging within a regular page view, but i'm getting stuck on how to get this accomplished within a partial view block.

Does anyone have any links or basic sample code that give a brief idea on what would be a best way to handle this? 

Dec 12, 2019 15:18

hmm, a sign when your not getting answer within 24h here. is that either your question is too hard or too vague. There is probably 100 ways to solve it. Dont believe there is a "Proper" Episerver way.

I would use some kind of front-end technique with an api endpoint if it is a lot of data. Normal web programing =) Good luck!

Edited, Dec 13, 2019 14:21

You're probably right, but my MVC knowledge isn't as strong as I'd like it.

Since EPiServer is MVC maybe a better question is would be whether MVC information and samples around the internet that would best describe this to me on how to do it would be ones that are about "MVC PartialView" paging? If so the only grey area for me currently is whether blocks are handled any different by EPiServer than just a regular MVC partial view or anything that i should take into account for that.


Dec 13, 2019 14:47
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