Link to Custom Content Provider



I think i've managed to create a content provider, and it seems to work in most ways, but i can't figure out how to cerate a link to the pages that comes from the external data source. It works fine in edit-mode, i can se all pages, click on them to navigate to them and both the on-page editing and all properties works fine. I cannot however choose view page on website, so i guess EPiServer somehow knows that there's no link to it...

The ContentLink on the pages loaded by my provider looks like this: 22__PublicationPageProvider, which is my custom id and the provider name. When i call Html.PropertyFor(page.ContentLink) the name of the page is correct, but there's no link. Debuging shows that the page object from my custom provider doesn't have LinkUrl or ExternalUrl.

Any ideas on what i'm missing here?

May 03, 2019 14:20

I'm guessing here but it sounds like you will have to implement IPartialRouter<TContent, TRoutedData> that can handle your content and then register it in your route tables

May 03, 2019 14:36
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