Same problem. Seems to be a problem with the signature/checksum of the license file.
Debug log:
EPiServer.Licensing.LicenseException: A error occured while loading the license file. ---> EPiServer.Licensing.LicenseException: License signature is corrupt [Malformed element SignedInfo.]
││ at EPiServer.Licensing.IO.LicenseReader.GetSignedXml(XmlDocument document, RSA key)
││ at EPiServer.Licensing.IO.LicenseReader.Read(XmlDocument document, RSA key)
││ at EPiServer.Licensing.LicenseData.Load(Stream stream, String licenseName, RSA key)
││ at EPiServer.Licensing.LicenseData.Load(String fileName, String licenseName, RSA key)
Seems like the XML namespace and Algorithms have been changed from HTTP to HTTPS, but without regenerating the signature/checksum. A temporary workaround is to edit the license file and change xmlns and the three Algorithm keys from https to http and save the file.
seems like this is an issue with licenses generation itself... known issue. have you reported back to Episerver?
hi, I seem to be experiencing simmilar issues, I keep getting A error occured while loading the license file
It is not related to permissions as I have them all the same as other files and the old license file. When old one is used I get correct message that MAC address is wrong.
However, when switching to newly generated Partner Developer license file (with proper permissions set) I keep getting A error occured while loading the license file.
Any help appreciated.
It might be because of your Mail server security that changes the schema Urls. update your licence to start with this line
<Signature xmlns=""><SignedInfo><CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" /><SignatureMethod Algorithm="" /><Reference URI="#Licensing"><DigestMethod Algorithm="" /><DigestValue>
I am having issues with my licenses on my machine. My old one expired but the new one gives me a generic: "A error occured while loading the license file.".
Doing a Google search reveals that it might be an access rights issue, but the new file has the same rights as the previous. I even copied the content of the new into the old, and still I get this error, so I don't think it's a rights issue. I have tried multiple licenses but each valid one gives me the above error message. Only my old one generates another error message, saying it's expired. I'm stuck at what I can do and would be glad to have some assistance.