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Calling all developers! We invite you to provide your input on Feature Experimentation by completing this brief survey.
The core process for updating is covered here
Obviously there are going to be some large updates when going that far, I have recently done similar so one area I know changes for example is TinyMce that needs moving to code initialization.
The best way IMO is to go through and back to when you are upgrading from. You can use the uiFeatures list to know what core UI changes and also to help in handover and the releases page will tell you about any breaking changes. You can then go through them and work out what has been affected and work out what will need to be done.
P.S it may not be from that, but Edgecrusher is the name of my favourite song by Fear Factory \m/
Thank you Scott, we'll start from the releases list as you suggested. We'll take a step-by-step approach, updating from 9 to 10 and then, only when everything looks good, from 10 to 11.
I've made a quick research and TinyMce looked like a huge issue to someone...I hope to don't spend too much time on it.
Thank you
Yes it was a bit of an effort when we upgraded and I couldn't find any good examples.
public class TinyMceInitializationModule : IConfigurableModule
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
context.Services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config =>
.RawSettings(new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "entity_encoding", "raw" }
.Toolbar("styleselect | bold italic underline | epi-link image epi-image-editor epi-personalized-content | cut copy paste pastetext | bullist numlist outdent indent | searchreplace fullscreen | code | help")
new { title = "--- Headings ---"},
new { title = "Header 1", block = "h1" },
new { title = "Header 2", block = "h2" },
new { title = "Header 3", block = "h3" },
new { title = "Header 4", block = "h4" },
new { title = "Header 5", block = "h5"},
new { title = "Header 6", block = "h6"},
new { title = "--- Paragraph Styles ---" },
new { title = "Paragraph", block = "p" },
new { title = "Italic Text", inline = "em" },
new { title = "Marked Style", inline = "span", classes = "mark" },
new { title = "Strong Text", inline = "strong" },
new { title = "Emphasis", inline = "em"},
new { title = "Small Text", inline = "small" },
new { title = "Short Quote", inline = "q"},
new { title = "--- Testimonial Types ---" },
new { title = "Quote", block = "blockquote"},
new { title = "Quote Testimonial", block = "blockquote", classes = "testimonial" },
new { title = "Right-Aligned Testimonial", block = "blockquote", classes = "smaller" },
new { title = "Quote Citation", inline = "cite"},
new { title = "--- Buttons ---" },
new { title = "Button", inline = "a", classes = "sja__cta sja__cta--grey-dark" }
This is our one I created, the core thing to be aware of is to check the plugin area on TincyMce and you have to make sure to add the plugin (the package) before using it on a Toolbar.
For example I added "code" plugin so I could add the "code" button (for exiting HTML). Then the style formats add in all the changeable styles. Annoyingly there's no separators so I'm using text with ---- heading ----- and no action which works. Hit me up if you have trouble.
Console.WriteLine(AllMetalGroups.Where( x => x.Brutality > Int64.MaxValue && x.IsTerrific && User.HeadbagingTime == x.TotalSongsLength).Select( x => x.BandName));
Fear Factory
You'll have to migrate all datetime properties to UTC, and PageData.StartPublish can now be null.
Hi everyone, we're approaching to a huge upgrade of an EpiServer system that currently runs a 9.7.2 version and we need to migrate it to the latest version. We'd like to know if there is some documentation available about this task (guidelines, best practices, to-to lists) that can lead us in this operation.