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You probably want to set
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="51200" executionTimeout="3600" />
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="334217728" />
as well
I was able to Import and Export 1658 Content items with export file size 536MB. Pls update web.config with above settings.
That's usually what I had to change on other sites when this error would pop up, but it's not working here. I've restarted the site multiple times, verifed settings in Configuration Manager in IIS.
I can try a smaller data export. I exported all data types, but can just try content items to see if a smaller file works. The full export was 1.3GB.
Doing small chunks (one node/page and dependent content) at a time works.
Spoke too soon. 700MB file failed, but less than 20MB worked. Will have to see if I can narrow down closer to the size where things fail.
How about a database export (bacpac) route instead of importing content? Is that an option?
That's what I ended up having to do and that didn't bring everything over. Had to export content items individually (as long as they remained small) to get images, etc. Not sure why a database export/import didn't bring over everything. Still learning Episerver...
I keep getting a 413.1 Error (Request Entity Too Large) when importing data in the Admin, Tools section. I've increased the limit in applicationhost.config and set maxRequestEntityAllow and uploadReadAheadSize to 2147483647, the max value. I've restarted the site multiple times. I can't get dev and stage data synced with production w/o being able to do this step. What else can I look at?