Hi John-Alex
Habe you tried specifying Norwegian as the default language in web.config (like <globalization uiCulture="xx">
It will not change the personal language of any user, but it will change the default language for everyone who has not set a personal language.
See this documentation page for details (under "Determining user interface language")
Thank you, Stefan. That was just what I was looking for. It worked like a charm.
For a solution we have developed for a customer, there is only one language in use (no). All the editors also only use Norwegian, but to do so, they have to set the preferred language in My Settings. This seems confusing and cumbersome, as new editors aren't experienced with Episerver. Is there a way to set default Personal Language for the editor, the first time they log in (or if they haven't already selected one)? Login is done with SSO, so the user is automatically synced, and not created in code.
Because they have already created a significant number of content, I would prefer not to change master language.