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What features of SQL server need to be installed for DXC?


When you install and run the alloy project, presumably its using some sort of embeded DB.

According to this page: https: //  (this forum doesnt allow me to insert a link unfortuantely)

it is required that Microsoft SQL Database 12 and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio are installed.

The current DB version is sql server 2019.

When you install it, there are two options: a) Basic, b) Custom.

I am guessing we should use custom.

There are then many options, including "Database Engine Services", "Data quality services", "analysis services", "Client tools Connectivity", "Integration services" etc.

Question 1, which if these is required?  I am guessing only "database engine services".

Question 2: if I want to deploy Alloy to DXC, the Alloy DB wont be in MS SQL server, it will be in whatever database alloy/visual studio uses.  Is this an issue?

Is there a guide or tutorial to getting a hello world app created and pushed into DXC?  I can only find random articles for small parts - which leaves several blanks unfortunately.

Any help appreciated.  

Feb 10, 2020 17:25

You should not worry about it. If you want to use some other feafures, check if it is supported on Azure Database and you are good to go.

Feb 10, 2020 18:44

Hi Simon,

Question 1: Locally you only need SQL Server with Database Engine Services but typically will want SQL Server Management Studio as well to manage the DB locally, take backups and occasionally query tables via SSMS GUI. Since you intend to restore this to DXP (previously DXC) you should go for a newer SQL Server (2014 and above) but there are ways to restore from older versions.

Question 2: It's not a problem. The Alloy database will be MDF LDF files inside your App_Data folder. You do not deploy the SQL DB to DXP (formerly DXC), Episerver Support will do this for you on your first deployment to DXP. You will need to raise a support request and provide them a backup as a .BAK or BACPAC file. Inside SSMS you can Attach the MDF LDF files to your local SQL Server instance, and create the Backup to provide to Episerver support.

More info about migrating from SQL Server to Azure SQL can be found here;

Edited, Feb 10, 2020 20:50
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