I think you are talking about the TinyMCE code button then you can add it back using the initialization module-
using EPiServer.Cms.TinyMce.Core;
using EPiServer.Framework;
using EPiServer.Framework.Initialization;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
namespace MyEpiserverSite.Business.Initialization
public class ExtendedTinyMceInitialization : IConfigurableModule
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
context.Services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config =>
.AddPlugin("media wordcount anchor code")
.Toolbar("formatselect | epi-personalized-content epi-link anchor numlist bullist indent outdent bold italic underline alignleft aligncenter alignright | image epi-image-editor media code | epi-dnd-processor | removeformat | fullscreen")
.AddSetting("image_caption", true)
.AddSetting("image_advtab", true);
Unfortunately that didn't help. We already have an ExtendedTinyMceInitialization with everything we need.
Our problem is that we can't see the source code for iframes created before the upgrade when we click the "source code" button in TinyMCE, but we can see the source code for iframes created after the upgrade.
Best regards
Try adding
AddSetting("extended_valid_elements", "iframe[src|frameborder=0|alt|title|width|height|align|name]");
Thank's for your time, but that didn't help either. We still can't view the source code for iframes created before the upgrade when we click the "source code" button in TinyMCE, but we can see the source code for iframes created after the upgrade.
I managed to figure out the problem. The iframe we couldn't see in the editors source code mode was inserted via a JavaScript and the problem was that we don't allow JavaScript in the editor anymore.
If we wan't to allow JavaScript in TinyMCE we could add this to ExtendedTinyMceInitialization.cs:
.AddSetting("extended_valid_elements", "script[src|async|defer|type|charset]")
After upgrade to update 304 we cant see the source code for embed and iframes that we published in the editor before the upgrade. The page can still show the iframe and embed content but its invisible in the editmode, when we hit the view source button in the editor the popup is blank. If we put new embed or iframe code in the editor it works, Then we can view the source in the editor and the embed code shows in the popup.
Any clues on what's going on?
We are running:
Best regards