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I'm the author of that blog post. What is not working? Adding resources this way should work.
Hi Johan, thanks for the reply. It's simply not adding styles to the head. Scripts at the end of the body work fine -
I have both the
in the head and,
at the end of the body.
Having thought about it a bit, I assumed this was because the block is decided/controller is called after the _Layout <head> was rendered/processed, and adding stuff with the AtHeader() was happening too late. Although it does seem to work intermittantly...
But I would be happy to take some pointers as to what I can do to get this working, as it seemed like a really nice way of doing it.
many thanks
Small amendment, as I have found the cause of the problem.
The Page type in question has a ContentArea which is being called by a Html.Action outside of the RenderBody() in the _Layout.cshtml, and the Block I am attempting to add the styles for is in that ContentArea. Which means, as I understand it, that the _Layout is now being worked through from top to bottom and the RequiredClientResources("Header") has already been dealt with, so it is too late to add styles to from this block.
I am not sure if there is a way to fix this, short of changing the Layout considerably, and moving the Html.Action call(s) into the Page view, which unsurprisingly I don't want to do.
Are there any other options I am missing?
I realise this is a bit old now this post, and I have been able to use the IRequiredClientResourceList for msot isntances to put styles in the head.
however, I wonder if it is possible to override the markup which is produced by using
as I would like a link tag like this:
<link rel="preload" as="style" type="text/css" href="path/to/file.css />
I had tried using a RenderSection in the _Layout but it doesnt seem to work when called from a block view - works fine for pages.
Hi Nat
I use `RequireHtmlInline`
requiredClientResourceList.RequireHtmlInline($@"<link rel=""preload"" href=""{urlSmall}"" as=""image"" media=""(max-width: 500px)"">").AtHeader();
requiredClientResourceList.RequireHtmlInline($@"<link rel=""preload"" href=""{urlMiddle}"" as=""image"" media=""(min-width: 500.1px) and (max-width: 1200px)"">").AtHeader();
requiredClientResourceList.RequireHtmlInline($@"<link rel=""preload"" href=""{urlLarge}"" as=""image"" media=""(min-width: 1200.1px)"">").AtHeader();
I would like to be able to add styles - which are specific to certain blocks - only when those blocks are used in a page.
I had found this - although I realise it is rather out of date:
which amounts to basically doing:
That was being called from a block along with ensuring the _Layout.html had this in:
and all seemd to be working fine, at least locally it was. But it turns out it its not working reliably at all.
is there a way to add styles on a block by block basis, or am I going to have to simply inline the css link in the block view?