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All about Class ReferenceInformation


Can anyone show me an example of how the ReferenceInformation class is used?

What's the difference between an "owner" property and a "referenced" property?  For example, what objects do OwnerLanguage and ReferencedLanguage refer to?

An IEnumerable<ReferenceInformation> is returned by the GetReferencesToContent(ContentReference, Boolean) method of IContentRepository.

Can I use it to get from one language version of a page to another version of that page in a different language?

TIA, Jim

Feb 22, 2021 22:03

I think both of them will return the same language. If you want to load a different language just use the IContentLoader to reload the ReferencedID in whatever language you need or to load all the languages of a content item

Feb 23, 2021 14:23
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