Properties becoming invisible and its borders disappearing at various resolutions


Since we upgraded to episerver 11.20.4, atleast this is where i believe the issue started, CSS on properties in edit mode has become broken. On various resolutions the borders on properties disappears, interacting with the broken properties also becomes more non-functional. I can interact with some properties though, for example i can write in a text field if i select the property but i can't see anything because the property is not visible. If i resize the window and the property appears again i can see the text i've written. Validation messages on certain properties also become displaced as seen in the second image. For me to trigger this i have to use the emulation device in chromium browsers and as i resize the window the borders around properties disappears and reappears. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Console shows nothing out of the ordinary. See following images for details:

Edited, Jun 16, 2021 10:41
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