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Hi Jonas,
The XML structure for those labels should be as follows, but I haven't tested this myself.
<language name="English" id="en">
<loginfailed>Login failed</loginfailed>
<missingpassword>You must enter a password</missingpassword>
<persistentlogin>Remember me</persistentlogin>
<usernamerequired>You must enter a name</usernamerequired>
Have a look at this article below — it explains how you can get the original language XML that is used by the CMS.
I used the convention in LocalizationProvider and it worked! Thanks!
This is the complete list of keys
<language name="English" id="en">
<logincaption>When you log in, cookies will be used.</logincaption>
<logininfo>A cookie containing login information will be sent to your web browser. If you do not want to receive cookies, you will be unable to log into the website.</logininfo>
<loginstatus>You are logged in as:</loginstatus>
<loginfailed>Login failed</loginfailed>
<missingpassword>You must enter a password</missingpassword>
<persistentlogin>Remember me</persistentlogin>
<usernamerequired>You must enter a name</usernamerequired>
<login>Log in</login>
<loginagain>Log in again</loginagain>
<logoutbodytextformsauthenticated>Use the link below to log in again.</logoutbodytextformsauthenticated>
<logoutbodytextwindowsauthenticated>Use the link below to log in again.</logoutbodytextwindowsauthenticated>
<logoutbodytextwindowsauthenticateddombrowser>Log out completely by closing all browser windows.</logoutbodytextwindowsauthenticateddombrowser>
<logoutconfirmdialogdombrowser>You are logged in as a Windows authenticated user. Before you are completely logged out you need to close all browser windows.</logoutconfirmdialogdombrowser>
<logoutheader>You are logged out</logoutheader>
<logouttitle>Log Out</logouttitle>
I wish to alter the labels for the login page(to CMS and any pages that is protected from non-autenticated users); such as Name and Password. I guess that can be achieved by using language xml-file. I however do not know the convention/structure for Name and Password. Can someone leed me in the right direction, please? :)
Thanks in advance.