Tax Inclusive price


Hi All

I hvae got a price list which includes the tax value for UK. I want to set the taxation in such a way that the taxes show the vat. Is this possible. Also I have a requirement where for international countries I have to take tax off the price. Is this  possible.



Aug 22, 2011 23:39

We also have questions about the taxes.


Is it not possible to present the price of the line items with the tax included? It seems that the CartPrepare workflow only calulates the total tax for the cart and does present the tax for each line item?


We would like to show our items with tax in the shopping cart.


Sep 09, 2011 14:27

Do you want to show the items with tax on product details page also. If yes you can update the price list to have tax inclusive prices. If not then you are limited in your options as the tax can only be calculated once you have set a shipping address and run the workflow.  A work around would be to use a default country to calculate taxes. If it is always going to be the same tax, you can just do manual calculation in code and show correctly. Let me know if it is not clear what I mean.


Sep 20, 2011 22:08

Yes, we wish to keep the prices without tax but for some customers show the prices with tax. So we actually already did something like what you suggest!


Manually calculated the inc tax prices with the tax from commerce with a default country code. In our case, the country code from the line items.

Sep 21, 2011 10:14


Sep 21, 2011 10:28
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