Basically CatalogRouteHelper only register the HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter. It should not affect 404 handling.
Just tested on our sample site, when I try to access non-existed product, it throws 404 error as expected. What is your registration for the route and for the custom error page?
@K Khan: We are using an EpiServer page.
@Quan Mai:
We have only set this in our InitializationModule
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context) { MapRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } private static void MapRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { CatalogRouteHelper.MapDefaultHierarchialRouter(routes, true); } public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context) { /*uninitialize*/} public void Preload(string[] parameters) { }
I've set up the customerror in web.config as follows:
<customErrors mode="On" > <error redirect="/404" statusCode="404"/> </customErrors>
I'm not sure if you show simplified configuration, but shouldn't the redirect value be "/404.html" instead?
Do you have any thing on Global.asax?
Actually that is the only configuration we got.
I've tried to set a static file as well in web.config customerrors but its the same issue.
Is there something else we have forgot to configure?
I found what I did wrong.
I actually forgot to set the correct configuration in web.config.
<httpErrors errorMode="Custom" existingResponse="Replace"> <clear/> <error statusCode="404" path="/404/" responseMode="ExecuteURL" /> </httpErrors>
I'm running an application on EpiServer Commerce 7.7.2 and I'm trying to configure 404 error page in web.config.
But when I test a page that doesn't exists then it just returns a blank page and does not redirect to my 404 page.
I suspect that its the CatalogRouteHelper which is causing this.
We are using the CatalogRouteHelper for the routing for the products in EpiServer Commerce.
Anyone with a workaround or a solution to this?
Thanks in advance.