Commerce newbie question CurrencyCode vs Cart.BillingCurrency



I am currently working on a legacy system (EPiServer Commerce 1R2 - SP2), both CurrencyCode (from SiteContext.Current) and BillingCurrency (from CartHelper.Cart) have been used in the solution from different user controls. 

I searched 1R3 SDK, it said CurrencyCode was deprecated. 

My questions is if I want to format the currency in 1R2, which method should I use? Does BillingCurrency alway have value set for both anonymous user and eixsting customer?


Jun 18, 2014 2:47

Can any one help to clarify my question?

Jun 19, 2014 3:20


BillingCurrency should always be populated for both exisiting users and anonymous. The Code listet below is from the CartHelper implementation. This code sample is from 7.5, but I do not think this implementation has changed appart from Market. The market feature was included in R3 (API) and fully functional from 7.5.

  public Cart GetCart(string name, Guid customerId, MarketId marketId)
            Cart cart = Cart.LoadCartsByCustomerAndName(customerId, name).SingleOrDefault<Cart>((Cart c) => c.MarketId == marketId) ?? this.CreateCart(name, customerId, marketId);
            return cart;

  private Cart CreateCart(string name, Guid customerId, MarketId marketId)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new ArgumentException("Name parameter can't be null or empty", "name");
            if (customerId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("CustomerId parameter can't be null or empty", "customerId");
            Cart currencyCode = (Cart)OrderContext.Current.ShoppingCartClassInfo.CreateInstance();
            currencyCode.Name = name;
            currencyCode.BillingCurrency = CommonSettingsManager.GetDefaultCurrency().CurrencyCode;
            currencyCode.CustomerId = customerId;
            currencyCode.MarketId = marketId;
            return currencyCode;

Jun 20, 2014 12:12

Mediachase.Commerce.Shared.CurrencyFormatter.FormatCurrency(YourPrice, DefaultCart.BillingCurrency)

DefaultCart is Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart


Jun 20, 2014 12:34
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.