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Extending business foundation to intergrate with the CMS help!


Hi, I have a question about extending the core business foundation objects like customer, countries and currencies.

Looking at the countries list for one example in commerce it has some basic out of the box properties, string, reference, int, decimnal etc...   but we have more indepth requirements to pull data into some of these core objects from multiple sources, maybe a CMS page type, getting data from third party systems etc...

One example on this project (from a very big list) is that we have a list countries that we need to extend to have a default currency associated to it as well as other metadata.  Out of the box it doesn't seem like extending the countires list is possible in that way so one though was to create a countries page type in the CMS, add the extra meta-data fields we need and then call this into commerce via business foucnation.

The problem with this idea though is that there is no selectionfactory, pagereference picker, ways for us to add custom attributes onto these objects are they're all in dynamicalyl generated and the API is only avalable within business foundation.  SO my question sis what is the best appraoch to deal with these requremients ?

My inital idea is that we could possibly create a custom selection factory property for business foundation, is this possible ?  Another idea would be create our own customer manager admin screen and possibly database table to store the non standard stuff. This would invovle us doing everythign in MVC and basically ignoring the customer screen within commerce which adds time onto a tight schedule that we don't really have.

Doing cusotm admin screens then puts the responsibilty on us to do validation if page tyes are ever deleted and stored against our custom object for example, which isn't a trival task, if someone deleted a page type in the CMS we would then have to hook into the delete and update methods to keep the api integrity

When we get into the depths of this project are we going to hit a brick road due to the limitations of business founcaiton if we want to add in custom properties than have logicaunderneath, is there anyway for us to use a page type for the customer object as this would also solve our roblem ?

All help is very welome :)

Mar 19, 2015 13:09

Only customers is in businessfoundation.  The countries and curriences dtos are stored in the Country and Currency Tables in the commerce database and have seperate api to retrieve the data.

Anway I guess I am not following what the issue is.  Are you trying to solve problems in the cms / commerce edit ui or in commerce manager.  Where are you using this extra information.  How is the information getting into the system.


Mar 19, 2015 17:42
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