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If you don't extend your payment class (via metaclass) and store the authorization code yourself then the data is lost.
Or you stored it but you don't know how to get it shown?
I've created a custom payment gateway, in which I'm using the EPiServer Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.CreditCardPayment class. In the custom gateway, I'm storing the authorization code that my credit card processor returns in the payment.AuthorizationCode field. After the cart that payment is attached to is converted to a purchase order, I'd like to be able to view that field in the admin module. I haven't made any changes to the process that converts the cart to a purchase order or customized the purchase order class.
Still looking for a solution. If there's any additional information I can provide, I'd be happy to do so.
How did you store the authorization code? In a metafield of the PurchaseOrder metaclass? And you want to display that field on the order view under Order Management in Commerce manager?
No, I'm storing it in the payment object. After calling the CartCheckout workflow, it's stored in the database in the OrderFormPayment table, in the AuthorizationCode field. And yes, I'd like to display it in the order view under Order Management.
You can edit the PurchaseOrder-ObjectView.xml, in grid name OrderPayment-List, add more column for the AuthorizationCode, like this:
<Column width="100" visible="true" allowSorting="false" dataField="AuthorizationCode" headingText="{SharedStrings:Status}"></Column>
So I'm coming back to this and now need to add a meta field (which has been added to the CreditCardPayment meta class) to the display. How do I go about that?
Is there a way to make an optional column? I tried adding the following to Apps\Order\Config\View\Forms\PurchaseOrder-ObjectView.xml:
<Column width="100" visible="true" allowSorting="false" dataField="PayPalExpToken" headingText="PayPal Token"></Column>
Which works great for purchase orders that use paypal, but on ones that don't i get the following:
A field or property with the name 'PayPalExpToken' was not found on the selected data source.
I think you can use the template column, like this:
<Column width="100" visible="true" allowSorting="false" dataField="Amount" headingText="{SharedStrings:Amount}" columnType="CustomTemplate">
<Template id="PaymentAmountTemplate" controlUrl="GridTemplates/PaymentAmountTemplate.ascx"></Template>
Define your template, which should inherit from BaseUserControl, IEcfListViewTemplate, and override DataBind method. In that method you can optional show the field if it's existed.
I'm using Commerce Manager 7.5 and looking at Purchase Orders under Order Management. I'd like to see the authorization code I get back from my payment gateway on the payments tab, but I don't see a way to get it there. Is there a setting I can change to show that data, or do I need to make a code change?