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Getting the _ExcludedCatalogEntryMarkets MetaField using Service API


I am trying to update my product availability using the _ExcludedCatalogEntryMarkets MetaField in Service API. I think I can PUT a new field for the product but i can't GET what is already set. There simply is no field in the MetaField list.


Apr 11, 2017 14:52

It sounds like a bug to me - no promises it'll be fixed, there might be reasons I don't know of - but I will file a bug and we will look into this.

Apr 12, 2017 9:44

Seem this meta field was treated as an "internal" field and not be accessible from Service API until now. However since the concept of market exclusion is well-known and you are asking for this. So we just done a fix (in our development side for now) to include it in GET api. So it could be available for you in next release of service api.

Apr 24, 2017 10:13
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