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Shipment has no status nor warehousecode


Version CM 10.7.2

Hi experts, 

Having some problem since last update to 10.7.2. Somehow the customer makes the purchase and ONLY SOME PurchaseOrder only have one shipment and doesnt have any status (normal is waiting inventory) and warehousecode is emptystring.

Some orders are working and some NOT... 

We are running following when customer checkout is finished


OrderGroupWorkflowManager.RunWorkflow(cart, OrderGroupWorkflowManager.CartCheckOutWorkflowName);


po = cart.SaveAsPurchaseOrder();




// Remove old cart

What am i missing? has something changed?

Edited, Jul 28, 2017 12:53

Which version did you upgrade from? In 9.22 LineItem.WarehouseCode was obsoleted and we use Shipment.WarehouseCode instead. Perhaps you have some code that rely on LineItem.WarehouseCode? 

Jul 28, 2017 15:11

yes, there is use of LineItem.WarehouseCode in the code...

but in what process is the shipment split up per warehouse and the shipment.WarehouseCode set? 


Jul 28, 2017 15:31

It's in GetFulfillmentWarehouseActivity, which is used in many workflows, like CartValidate, CartPrepare etc.

Jul 28, 2017 15:48

allright, checked it out, but i still dont get where the shipment are split per warehouse. Somehow it fails sometimes in our solution.

Is it still normal practice to  addtocart with form.LineItems.Add(item)? you are not suppose to create shipment when you add lineitem to cart, are you?

Edited, Jul 31, 2017 8:59

Anyhow... the problem was that when you logged in / registered in checkout, you are handling the cart from anonymous to logged in. I had to run CartValidate after that procedure (on the new cart) to make it work.


Aug 06, 2017 11:51
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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