We would suggest to use ServiceAPI for import assets (And mapping to entries) instead.
Ok, I'll investigate how we can do that.
Just in case are there any examples of importing using this?I see in documentation
Is there where I should look?
I'm looking to import assets from a ftp into the CMS. I was looking into
But I found out that it doesn't work on Commerce 11. (FolderEntity doesn't exist anymore and nobody is maintaining the Asset Importer code)
I was looking into that code and found that I could use CmsContentAssetImporter from there.
Importing seems to work, but I have a problem can't seem to understand how to add a group to the asset. Mediachase.Commerce.Assets.Import.AssetMapping doesn't have a group property and in UI interface all assets groups have the default name of "small"
I've seen an AssetWrapper class that has a group property but couldn't find any example on how to use that.
I need those groups to distinguish between main image, alternate image or swatch image.
Does anybody have a suggestion on how could we import images and assign them a group name or any other suggestions?
Thank you