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Commerce 11 error in the log


After the upgrade to the Commerce 11 (11.2) I found some weird errors in the log:

Message: Content with id '-1__CatalogContent' is of type 'EPiServer.Core.PageData' which does not inherit required type 'EPiServer.Commerce.Catalog.ContentTypes.CatalogContentBase'
EPiServer.Core.Internal.DefaultContentLoader.ThrowTypeMismatchException(ContentReference link, Type actual, Type required):38
EPiServer.Core.Internal.DefaultContentLoader.Get[T](ContentReference contentLink, LoaderOptions loaderOptions):143
EPiServer.Commerce.Catalog.Provider.CatalogContentProvider.LoadChildrenReferencesAndTypes(ContentReference contentLink, String languageID, Boolean& languageSpecific):74
EPiServer.Framework.Cache.ObjectInstanceCacheExtensions.ReadThroughWithWait[T](IObjectInstanceCache cache, String cacheKey, Func`1 readValue, Func`2 evictionPolicy):46

Why is this error thrown?

Sep 08, 2017 10:16

I can also see this in the log - I'll file a bug and we will look into this.

Thanks for bringing this into our attention. 

Sep 08, 2017 11:08

Just to make sure, you are using EPiServer.Search, right? 

Sep 08, 2017 11:50

Yes, I am using LuceneAzureSearchProvider for edit mode.

Sep 08, 2017 11:52

Just an update: I seem to locate the problem. It does not appear to be a new one, but it's not very visible, unless you are using ContentSearchHandler or IReIndexable (even implicitly, via EPiServer Search, for example)

The fix is under review now and will probably be released in some upcoming versions. 

Sep 08, 2017 16:10

Ok, thanks Quan!

Sep 08, 2017 16:20

Hi Quan, 

Could you provide a little more information as to where this issue originates from, and why please?

I'm getting it when running the EPiServer Find Content Indexing Job, and its resulting in no catalog items being indexed at all. 

Any help would be much appreciated.



Sep 13, 2017 23:15

I did not track back on what change makes this happens and when, but basically this happens as the content system try to load the children of the waste basket of the catalog content system - and the catalog content system does not have such concept (doesn't know, doesn't care) and things blow up.

I suspect this was caused by a recent change in CMS Core, not in Commerce side. But we fixed the issue in Commerce 11.2.3 and let the catalog content system to be more defensive. Commerce 11.2.3 is under testing right now and can be released next week. If you can't wait or can't upgrade, I suggest to contact our developer support service for further assistance.

Sep 13, 2017 23:40

Ok thanks for the details Quan

Sep 14, 2017 7:56
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