Anonymous authentication was disabled in the IIS, enable it and the login dialog shows.
Disable anonymous authentication is a smart quick fix, but I guess you want to figure out the underlaying issue to avoid this happen on your production environment :)
I think your dev server missed the following location settings in your commerce manager web.config.
<location path="Apps/Shell/Styles">
<allow users="*" />
<location path="Apps/Shell/Pages/Login.aspx">
<allow users="*" />
<location path="Apps/Shell/EPi/Shell/Light">
<allow users="*" />
In case, if you encounter other issues, check the following blog post and I hope you can find your answers.
I just deployed our Commerce site including the Manager to a new server but now I can't login to the manager, I get an infinite loop:
Any ideas why this is? It works just fine on my machine and on the production and UAT server but not on our DEV server?