How do I load a Plug-In in Edit-mode outside the default PlugInAreas?

Here is what I'm trying to do: After loading my own menu in the PlugInArea.EditTree area, I would like my hyperlinks to point to the right hand frame/iframe. An easy way would be to use the AdminMenu PlugInArea but I don't want to let my content editors into Admin-mode. Neither do I want to use EditPanel or ActionWindow because they are "too many clicks away" as our client states it. The best would be to load an extra tab after the "Welcome to EPiServer", "My Settings", etc. Has anyone tried this before? I've tried using the code behind the "SettingsTool.gif" in the EditCommand.aspx toolbar, but it feels like a less stable idea. My version of it in my menu looks something like this:
Oct 18, 2005 13:44
On your links in the EditTree area, set the target to "EditPanel". If you need to do it through scripting, try: parent.frames["EditPanel"].location.href = "myplugin.aspx"; Also, make sure you have the following script in your .aspx file to make it aware of change events from other parts of edit mode: /Steve
Oct 18, 2005 20:24
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.