Change PageType for existing page.

I'm working on a case where the customer wants to change the pagetype for a subset of existing pages. They are basically all made with page.aspx today... Anybody worked with this before? Why isnt this built in ? //Jocke
Nov 21, 2005 16:43
The reason way this is not included in EPiServer is that a tool like that can harm your website to much. For example if you convert Ordinary web page to RSS listing, almost all your content on your website would be deleted. One way to solve this is do it by your self by modifying the tables: tblProperty tblWorkProperty to move the properties, and then modify tblPage tblWorkPage to set the new page type for the page. Another way to solve this problem is to contact EPiServer support and ask them if they can develop a tool for it. Regards, Mattias Lövström
Nov 22, 2005 9:43
I have done this by exporting the pages, and then rename the original template to a temporary name. Then i created a new template with the same name as the original. When I then import the pages again the template is set to the new template. Then again rename the templates as wanted.
Nov 22, 2005 13:20
Thanks for the reply's. OK! I'm not doing anything thats already been made then :) Exporting and importing solution works fine but requires too much administrative tasks. The current sollution copies the values from the published version of a page (and subpages if selected) to a new page thats created (at user selected position in the tree) and then runs some SQL update statements against tblworkpage (SQL Update is optional) to fix createdBy, saved-date etc.. All is placed in a nice GUIPlugin. This way DataFactory is still creating the page so the risk of something going bad would be at a minimum. The downside is the external SQL Update, but since I'm using Datafactory to save the page its quite logical that for example CreatedBy becomes the person running the script.
Nov 22, 2005 15:50
There is a tool for this, but I don't know if it is supported or if it costs any money. We needed this for a client and got EP to create the tool. It works very well, we have changed a lot of pages with it. You can even map old fieldnames to new names. Ask them about it.
Nov 24, 2005 14:16
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