Synchronize development enviroment with public

What files and folders to move, dlls and so on? What to export/import? Is it possible to synchronize two SQL servers? What I am really looking for is a step to step guide for synchronizing two EPiServer installations:)
Aug 08, 2005 10:55
What about the new staging functionality in 4.5? Read about it (Web content mirroring) in e.g. Or do you want a load balanced system including several servers?
Aug 08, 2005 12:29
Thanks for the answer but that´s not what I am looking for, I simply want to take my site, compiled and developed on one server, and transfer it to another public server where I already have EPiServer installed but have no possibilities to develop or compile. I need to know what dll´s, aspx files and so on that I need to copy to the other server. Do I need to copy any of the aspx.cs files or is it enough to copy some of the dll´s?
Aug 08, 2005 13:23
Hi. When deploying .NET sites, all you need is the non-compiled files, i.e. *.asax; *.aspx;*.ascx;*.asmx;*.gif;*.jpg;*.html;*.js;*.xml;*.png;*.css and so on. You do NOT need the *.cs and *.resx files. Also you need to transfer all of the files in the /bin catalog. This is where the compiled code is to be. You do NOT need the *.pdb files (debug files) in this catalog. Also remember the different config and xml files (if you use any). EPiServer uses web.config and license.config, which should reside in the webroot catalog. It also uses xml files in the lang catalog for language handling. You will need all these files. (Remove the files for the languages you do not use.) The EPiServer built-in catalogs (admin/edit/util/webservices) are only necessary if you plan to use them. In most cases all of them are needed. Remember that these catalogs are only needed to be transferred once, if you don't make any changes in them. This is not recommended, since they get updated if you upgrade EPiServer later. NOTE: When updating an EPiServer site later on like you are, only the custom dll (in the bin catalog) is needed to be transferred to the prod. server. In the EPiServer Sample Site's example, only EPiServerSample.dll is needed to be transferred. If you also make any changes in the HTML code, you also have to transfer these files. So, when site is recompiled, transfer the dll. When HTML code is changed, transfer the *.aspx or *.ascx. If changes in both, transfer both. :) For transferring content in EPiServer (pages, properties, page types and so on), I recommend using EPiServer's built-in Export and Import functions. Check out the Administrators manual (for you version) for help on this. Hope this helps. Frank :)
Aug 09, 2005 11:17
Perfect! That was the answer I was looking for! Thank you very much for saving my day!
Aug 09, 2005 13:21
Frank-Ove's info above was so nice, so I created a new FAQ article based on the text...
Aug 23, 2005 16:03
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