Help on ContentFrameworkSelector

Hi! I'd like to implement and ContentFrameworkSelector based on a dynamic property and I found this sample. But I don't quite understand how it works. Anyone that can help me with it? =/ (This content was manually imported after an update to
Mar 15, 2006 16:16
What do you need help with? Understanding the code, using it in your project? /Steve (This content was manually imported after an update to
Mar 15, 2006 16:17
Implementing it. But after some searching I found a .pdf with some sample code. Is it recommended to put the template content within a user control when using frameworkselector? Otherwise you'll have to duplicate the code on the template for each framework in the selector right? Like this: selector framework (This content was manually imported after an update to
Mar 15, 2006 16:18
Implementing it. But after some searching I found a .pdf with some sample code. Is it recommended to put the template content within a user control when using frameworkselector? Otherwise you'll have to duplicate the code on the template for each framework in the selector right? Like this: selector framework (This content was manually imported after an update to
Mar 15, 2006 16:18
sorry, pressed tab and then two spaces ;) Like this: selector framework region content..... framework region content.... OR selector framework region control with content framework region control with content (This content was manually imported after an update to
Mar 15, 2006 16:19
I'm not quite sure I understand the question, but here goes: Using the custom framework selector is nothing different than using the built in ContentFrameworkSelector. The example given on could be expanded a little: My content for framework 1 My content for framework 2 The EPiServer Content web control cannot be put inside a user control, it has to be the first control inside a framework in the .aspx page. The content inside the content control can be a user control, if you'd like that. If your content contents look almost the same for different frameworks, you might want to see if dynamic properties and making the default framework "smarter" will do the same trick as changing framework on the fly. I've seen solutions that loads user controls (headers, footers etc.) on the fly based on values from dynamic properties. /Steve
Mar 16, 2006 20:30
Thanks, to bad that the post got screwed up there.. my bad. But I think you've understood me anyway. I have the exact same content but the "surroundings" are different. So I think I'll just manipulate the one framework instead as you said. By the way, what is the "praxis" for making printer friendly versions of pages? Manipulate the framework based on a querystring or using the framworkselector? Or maybe something entirely different?
Mar 16, 2006 23:53
If you can (that is, the design allows it - and it should) you should go for printer stylesheets. This means that you do not need a printer friendly button of any type. The design applied using the media=print styles should make the design horizontally scalable, then it will adjust to the paper witdh (which is the typical problem.) The stylesheet should also hide all elements that you do not want to print. Beware of background colors and images, as the default print settings in IE skip these. Btw. you could keep that "Print" button there, and just do a window.print. Technical people know that web design seldom print very well, and is looking for that button to make sure they get something printable. There is a lot of good resources on this topic on the web, happy hunting! :-) /Steve
Mar 17, 2006 7:49
I have successfully implemented the ContentFrameworkSelector on one of our Enterprise Edition installations. When creating the templates, be sure to put all code in user controls, like this:
As stated in the text on the sample page, the framework is set with the help of a dynamic property. Frank :)
Mar 21, 2006 8:28
But, how does it look in the codebehind ? How do you call the method ? Im lost here :p
Sep 27, 2006 13:19
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