how to show a simple RSS feed with HTML code ?

I know there is a template page type in episerver for making pages with a RSS feed on it, but I want to place a RSS feed in a specific place/frame on an already existing page. I am pretty new to episerver and doesn't know anything about developing for it, nor do I really have the time to start learning it right now. So I am hoping there is a way to get a simple RSS feed on my start page simply by editing my default.aspx page and insert some HTML code for it. If there is a solution like this, please show me the html code needed, as I cannot find anything about it in the Epi documentation. The manual do have an interesting part saying: "The following example renders the channel title and the top five item titles:

<%# container.title %>

<%# container.title %>
In order to use this control you must provide markup templates since the control has no built-in layout." This part seems to be what I am after, some kind of HTML code to render a RSS feed. But there are no mentioning in the SDK of what specific markup templates is needed to get it to work and show it on a page, where to set the RSS url to get the feed, how to define settings like nr of news to show and so on. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out with this. Thanks
Mar 19, 2007 10:09
If you have an example site, see the /templates/units/RssListing.ascx. You could use this user control directly on you start page. It requires the following property on your start page type: RssUrl (string) You can also use: RssHeading (string) CacheTime (number) See the Newslist page type, where these are already in use. /Steve
Mar 19, 2007 12:28
I added the RssUrl member to my start page template (which my start page is based on ofc), went into edit mode and inserted a valid RSS url into the newly created field and published the page, but nothing new is visible on the page itself when I reload it in IE. If I understand it correctly I also need to reffer to the RssListing.ascx file from my default.aspx page so Episerver understands it should be used and where on the page it should place the actual feed, but how do I do this? Can you please show in html code how this could be done, as I have watched the rsslisting file and frankly don't see how I should use/call it. It chanced and tried to cut'n paste the files content into my startpage and got "Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'RssHeading' does not exist in the class or namespace 'ASP.default_aspx'" when reloading page. The solution is probably really easy but I just can't see how it should be done with my limited Episerver/ knowledge, so I need some additional help here please.
Mar 19, 2007 15:22
This is taken from /templates/news.aspx (which is the implementation of the News List template.) In the top of your default.aspx file, add this line directly after the <%@ Page ... %> directive: <%@ Register TagPrefix="usercontrols" TagName="RssListing" Src="~/templates/Units/RssListing.ascx"%> Then you have to decide where the list should appear, which will be somewhere inside of an existing tag in your default.aspx file. Add: That should be it. Good luck :-) /Steve
Mar 19, 2007 16:12
I had already figured out that I should put the 'register...' row at the top of the file, but I didn't know how to actually call the rss code after that and got stuck. Anyway, now it works nicely so thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it!
Mar 19, 2007 16:46
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.