extranet users, negative sids, custom providers

extranet users, negative sids, custom providers.... I cant find a thing on these forums about this. I recently got some example code from EPiServer because we want to have extranet users that can login to episerver without storing their usernames but by authenticating via a 3rd party database and system. The code I got looks like this: public class MyCustomSidProvider : SidProvider public class MyPersonalizedDataProvider : PersonalizedDataProvider The idea is to override the loading of the Sid creation code. What im looking for is anyone who has done this and got it to work? I cant find the SidProvider so the example code wont compile. Thats my first problem - while I go hunt for it, lets hope this reaches someone whos been here before. At least there will be results for someone who types those keywords in the future! I hate getting 0 results! /John
Jun 14, 2007 10:16
Hi John! Custom SidProviders/PersonalizedDataProvider were introduced in EPiServer 4.61 Hotfix 1. Download and apply the latest hotfix (www.episerver.com/en/EPiServer_Knowledge_Center/Download2/Hotfixes/EPiServer-461---Hotfix-5/) and you should be fine. Regards, Johan Olofsson EPiServer AB
Jun 14, 2007 11:08
Thanks Johan! That explains why I couldnt find it in the object library! I will get the latest hotfix and keep this thread updated with my progress. /John
Jun 14, 2007 11:31
There is a mismatch what should be put in the web.config vs the name of the class public class MyPersonalizedDataProvider : PersonalizedDataProvider should be public class MyCustomPersonalizedDataProvider: PersonalizedDataProvider Despite fixing this i still get an error, any clues ?: Parser Error Message: An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for episerver/personalizedDataProvider: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Source Error: Line 42: Line 43: Line 44: Line 45: Line 46:
Jun 14, 2007 14:34
Youre right, the class should be named MyCustomPersonalizedDataProvider. My bad. The web.config should, with that modification, look like something like this: (the ... below are placeholders for any other sections that might appear in your web.config, they should of course not be entered) ...
... ... ... /johan
Jun 14, 2007 15:04
Thanks Johan - my web.config looks exactly like that and the example code I got hasnt been changed except for the class name. Is there anything I need to modify for it to work or is this error to do with the configuration? /John
Jun 14, 2007 15:34
No, that *should* work. Could you send me your web.config by email and I'll have a look? Thanks, Johan joahn.olofsson @ episerver.com
Jun 14, 2007 15:36
Was an error in the web.config sample above, with a missing 'i' in the sampleSidProvider assemblyname: ^ should read: Sorry for any inconveniences! Regards, johan
Jun 14, 2007 15:52
Johan pointed out the missing "i" in sampleSidProvider /John
Jun 14, 2007 15:53
Im still getting the same error, only this time after i type the username + password before it wouldnt even bring up the login page /John
Jun 14, 2007 16:00
FYI: i added a 2 to each section name and the problem went away - very odd.
Dont ask me why, but it works enough that I can keep going and worry about it later. /John
Jun 15, 2007 13:06
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