How do get rid of EPiServer 5 CMS putting SPANS on everything?

Hi, We are implementing a lot of EPiServer Properties to allow our clients to change Meta tags, page titles etc. We are using default EPiServer property types "String <255". can we stop if from putting span tags around everything? as surely it should be the templates that decide the styles not the cms? cheers>
Feb 28, 2008 18:17
In EPiServer 4, this was done to support On Page Editing, and the spans where only rendered when you were logged in (the javascript needed a container for the editable contents.) I see that in CMS 5, the Property control is always rendering spans, regardless of your login-status. So, in order to control this, you will either have to override the default rendering method of all PropertyString properties, or use <%= CurrentPage["propname"] %>, alternativly <%# CurrentPage["propname"] %> if you're in a templated control (like a PageList) or for some other reason need to databind it. is the same as: <%= CurrentPage["PageName"] %> /Steve
Feb 28, 2008 19:41
I have written a blog post about this. See for more information. /Steve
Feb 28, 2008 23:41
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