Language Fallback


I am working on a site that uses language fallback to provide the majority of English content for varying variants of the English language, but allows customised content to be translated when needed.

i.e.  Fallback  en-GB -> en
       Fallback en-NZ -> en

I have a couple of questions regarding searching/etc.  I am using a FindPagesWithCriteria to find all product pages within a particular category which is fine, but if I am searching in en-GB it doesn't return any products from en (which I would expect from the fallback)?

I am using:

EPiServer.DataFactory.Instance.FindPagesWithCriteria(Scope, SearchCriterias, CurrentPage.LanguageBranch, LanguageSelector.AutoDetect(true), EPiServer.Security.AccessLevel.Read);

I would expect that this would return all pages (including fallback) and the CurrentPage.LanguageBranch.  If I pass null in as the Language Branch, then it returns all pages that match the search regardless of the language.  The LanguageSelector doesn't seem to make any difference...

I can't pass in a comma separated list of languages (as per the search)...

Thanks in advance.


Apr 10, 2008 17:23
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