Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Yes, if you're using an HTML textfield:
string email = Request.Form["epost"];
or if you're using an ASP.NET TextBox:
string email = epost.Text;
Response.Redirect ("/path to thank-you page")
I think this could be something you're looking for:
We would like to send a confirmation mail to a user that has filled in a form, in addition to showing a "thank you"-page. Unfortunalety this is not an intranet site where users have logged in and where we have user information like email address. The user has to enter his/her email when filling in the form.
But, how can I access this information? If we assume that all forms contain a mandatory field "epost". Is there an easy way to get the content of this field when the form is posted? (Or possibly afterwards, from the "thank you"-page)
All suggestions are welcome.