Hi, I want to extend the MainMenu and SubMenu user controls that are in the demo templates, to have a 3rd level of navigation e.g.
Level 1: Home | About | Our Work
Level 2: Case Studies | Awards
Level 3: CaseStudy1 | CaseStudy2
I'd need to have a selected template to be able to highlight the current page as above. This is working with level 1 and 2, but can't seem to get this working, does the 3rd user control need to use a MenuList like the MainMenu...?
Any help would be appreciated?
Do you use three different controls for the three levels? In that case you could use three MenuLists and the OpenTopPage property.
MenuList1.PageLink = PageReferece.StartPage;
MenuList2.PageLink = MenuList1.OpenTopPage;
MenuList3.PageLink = MenuList2.OpenTopPage;
Though why not use a PageTree?
I'm trying to create menu that looks something like this:
Main (lvl 0) -- Products (lvl 1) -- Company (lvl 1) -- Contact (lvl 1)
HiFi (lvl2)
> _Computers_ <
-- Desktop (lvl3)
-- > _Laptop_ <
----- Dell (lvl4)
----- > _Apple_ <
Is this possible out-of-box? If not, what would be the best way to do this myself, should I use EPiServer:PageTree or just do everything from scratch?