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Mandatory alt.text for images



I would like to make alt-texts mandatory for images in the editor (EPiServer CMS 5).

My approach is to add a check when a page is saved/published. The check-function will parse the text entered in the editor field (bread text). It will look for img-tags and ensure that all img-tags have alt-texts specified. If alt-text is missing for one or more img-tags some message will be displayed and the page won't be saved/published.

Is there a better way?


Sep 25, 2008 11:30

Another approach could be the voluntary way. I know alt-texts are important, but slapping a "you cannot publish this page because..." is bad for moral. On EPiCode there is a module that extends the icons in the EPiServer page structure based on your own rules. Check out and have a look at the Screencast.

Good luck!

Sep 25, 2008 14:13
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