I've recived allot of errors when trying to export/import pages between different Epi 5 sites, and the only error message never tell you what the problem is.
It would be nice with some better errormessages.
Guess you've found the solution. Just adding this to the thread in case others are reading this.
Had been importing a lot of properties/separated imports, before starting the task of importing pages. Got the same "Paramater has no page set Parameter name: pageLink[]" error.
Found out that I had just forgotten to "select page destination" in the page selector below
Im working on an EpiServer site localy and now i need to move it into our testserver. First i got an error when trying to export my page data in the admin mode because some of the content had links to pages in specific languages. This is apparently a bug and i managed to fix it by editing the links and giving setting language to automatic. After this the page export worked without any errors.
Then next problem i encountered was when i was suposed to import the data on my test server. I then got this errror message (freely translated from swedish):
I havent managed to find any soution to this problem yet. Has anyone else had this problem when doing imports?
Im running EpiServer CMS 5 SP1 on windows 2003(test)/XP(dev) and im using SQL Server Express.