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There is not a specific Javascript document except for what you find in the sdk.
Our Javascript developer wrote this article which helps a bit,
Otherwise I would recommend searching for that info, looking at our blog posts and the rest of the articles at this website.
We know its a little bit difficult to find the correct information and we are continuing working on to improving it. :-)
Sadly there is no documentation on the Editor javascript API, I would have loved it when I started at EPiServer. However I might be able to push you in the right direction if you describe what you want to do and what you are after.
I was trying to create a HTML construct;
<p class="vcard">
<span class="fn org">Example Corp</<span><br />
<span class="adr">
<span class="street-address">123 Somewhere Road</span><br />
<span class="locality">Sunderland</span><br />
<span class="country-name">United Kingdom</span>
from a editor plugin and then re-populate the control if the editor selected some or all of the HTML.
I used this to select the parent node of the selected content:
var range = plugin.editorDocument.selection.createRange();
parent = range.parentElement();
while (parent.className != "vcard")
parent = parent.parentElement;
if (parent.tagName == "body")
parent = null;
And then iterated through the nodex within the parent node to get the values. When I started I was wondering if there was a simpler way? I didn't know if there where eisting JavaScript functions available within the editor that would have done alot of what I wanted to do?
Got it working now, but I'm sure I've repeated alot of code that already exists.
I have now re factored my editor plugin to follow the new CMS 5 way of doing things described in the article Modal Dialogs in the EPiServer UI for Non-IE Browsers (
I have one small thing, how do you get the call to EPi.AddEventListener to work? I have added a script tag pointing to /UI/javascript/system.js, which is loading correctl, but that method does not seam to exist. Also, when I look at the source of the system.js, there is no definition for AddEventListener either.
The editor window inherits straight from System.Web.UI.Page.
Am I missing something? Is there another js file I need to include?
The needed javascript files (and css for cms look) will automatically be registered if you use UI/MasterPages/EPiServerUI.Master master page file and inherit from EPiServer.UI.SystemPageBase.
If you want to register the files yourself the needed files are:
About editor API: There really aren't that much helper functions in the API. There is one file Util/Editor/Javascript/HtmlTextBox2_API.js which contains some code you might find useful. But since it really has no comments(!?) it is a bit hard to see what to use. I had a hard time myself to understand what was going on...
I have made some additions to this file in EPiServer CMS 5 to overcome some of the bugs in the old editor (and/or MS HTML Edit bugs) and you might find EPiGetRangeParent useful since range.parentElement() returns wrong parentElement when the user has made certain types of selections.
Great, got it working now.
It was the UI/javascript/system.js file I was missing.
I'm trying to build editor plugin to allow users to create an address block using the VCard microformat.
I have been following the Create an editor Plug-In tutorial (, however there are things I want to do that aren't descibed in here.
I was wondering if the javascript API for the editor environment is documented anywhere?
There must be loads of JavaScript functions available that provide alot of the functionality that I will want, however, I don't really want to have to debug the existing editor functionality to fnd it.