How to set up new site correctly



I'm about to set up our new site from scratch and I've got a few questionmarks on how to set it up and integrate it with Visual Studio 2008 correctly. There are the two ways of either use "Create New EPiServer-project" directly in Visual Studio or to go via the EPiServer Deployment Center and choose "Install site and SQL-server database". I watched the "How to set up the development envoironment"-presentation by Peter Sunna where he recomends to use the later method to get the site hosted in the IIS, wich would be great in our environment.

The tricky bit for me is how to get that site into Visual Studio correctly. Do I choose to "Open site" and point to the EPiServer-directory? That seems to me to be the proper way to do it but then I don't get the option to add new EPiServer Page Templates, Custom Properties, GUI Plugins, etc, by right clicking the project. By doing it that way I only get to choose from the standard ASP.Net-items.

Is there a way to get those items into the site or is there another way to do it that I'm missing?

Best regards

Nov 11, 2009 15:03


When using the Deployment center did you install it with the public templates? If not I recommend doing that. This will setup a few basice page types and pages for you, along with the code and a Visual Studio project. If you don't install the public templates you need to create a new web application project in Visual Studio and either place it inside the sites root folder (if you're developing locally), or use a build script or something similar to copy the code (the .dll, .aspx, .ascx files etc) to the sites root folder.

If you have the public templates, simply open up the PublicTemplates.csproj file and you're ready to code :).

Hope this helps


Nov 11, 2009 19:04

I tried that option but wanted to go for a clean site to begin with. I will however take your advice on that one.


Thanks, Frederik!

Nov 11, 2009 19:57

When using the public templates as a starting point, i'm not able to switch the website root, so i'm stuck with the publictemplate - Startpage using pagetype "[Public] Start page".

How can i switch to a new startingpage using my own pagetype? The create new option on rootitem is disabled.



Dec 24, 2009 12:31

Hi Joris,

You should create a new page of your own pageType and set the start page ID in web.config as pageStartId="%yourOwnPage%".

For your second problem, select your Root Folder in edit mode and then click on "Language Settings", you should have alteast 1 language as selected.

Dec 28, 2009 9:32
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.