Hello Niklas!
There is some magic going on in the EPiServer.Global class that makes sure that a default document is attached to the end of the requested url when appropriate.
This rewrite is done in an event handler attached to the HttpApplication.AuthenticateRequest event.
The only explanation I can think of for the behaviour you have on your site is that you somehow have broken the inheritance chain (by inheriting direclty from HttpApplication or SiteBase instead of Global) or that the AuthenticateRequest event is somehow cancelled before reaching the event handler in EPiServer.Global.
Both explanations seem far fetched, but those are the only explanations I can think of right now.
When i try to log in on http://localhost/episerver/edit it redirects me to a page with the url http://localhost/Util/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fepiserver%2fedit which i suspect sould be http://localhost/Util/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fepiserver%2fedit%2fdefault.aspx.
So when the default.aspx is missing in the ReturnUrl parameter the redirect on a successful login is done to http://localhost/episerver/edit/ which is just a empty response.
Has anyone experinced this before or is it an knowned issue? A colluege of mine has also got this problem but we can´t see that we have done any wrong configuring. We both use episerver 5.2.375.7.
Thankful for any input