Have you added the module "KeepIdForEPiTrace" in your web.config?
<add name="KeepIdForEPiTrace" type="EPiTrace.KeepIdForDataHandler,EPiTrace" preCondition="managedHandler" />
I have added the module in <httpModules>, there is no system.webserver/modules and modules is not allowed under system.webserver. I cannot use preCondition, it is not allowed and causes an error.
Do I have to add something to my pages or must I configure somthing in episerverLog.config?
System.webserver is for IIS7.
So, add
<add name="KeepIdForEPiTrace" type="EPiTrace.KeepIdForDataHandler,EPiTrace" />
in httpModules.
Also check that your uiUrl and uitUrl, under siteSettings are relative.
The line is added in httpModule and uiUrl is set to "~/mysite/ui" and utilUrl is set to "~/mysite/ui". Nothing is saved to the database. Do I need to add code to any pages? How are users tracked and how does it save it to the database?
I must be missing something. In Epi4 i added <EPiTrace:Logger runat="server" ID="Logger" /> to the masterPage.