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What does your episerver.config file look like? The <site> tags:
<site ......>
I have configured in EpiserverFramework.config as below.
<siteHosts siteId="CMSMULTI">
<clear />
<add name="*" />
<add name="" language="en-gb" />
The site is displaying properly. only the problem for default language corresponding language option is not displaying in the Url.
Am i missed anything here. Please advice.
Thanks and regards,
Try setting the web address prefix in admin mode:
Admin --> Config --> Manage Website Languages --> Select language English (en-GB) --> Set Web address prefix to 'en-gb' and Save
I have changed the settings as you mentioned but the changes are not reflecting in the Url.
I mean the language set in the episerverframework not displaying in the URL.
Could you please suggest.
Please some one address the above issue.
Thanks in advance.
I know this is an old thread, but if someone has the same problem this might be a acceptable solution:
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(this.Request.RawUrl);
if (!urlBuilder.Path.StartsWith(string.Concat('/', CurrentPage.LanguageID, '/')))
this.Response.Redirect(UriSupport.AddLanguageSelection(CurrentPage.LinkURL, CurrentPage.LanguageID));
We have developed a site in en,en-gb and fr languages. We have set en-gb as default language.
Below are the diaplaying Urls in each language. ---> This is the default language (en-gb).
I want to display default language url as
Can you please advice how to achieve the above functionality. We are using Episerver 6.0
Thanks in advance.