Hi, a bit of a strange one.
I have a custom login page, which has been added to the <location> section of the web.config to allow it to load outside of forms authentication.
It's been working fine, but a couple of days ago, when trying to load this page, the server gets into a loop and results in a URL with
until the querystring runs out of room and the browser chrashes.
this only happens if the login page inherits from a PageType (TemplatePage), but not if its just a system.web.ui.Page.
Can EPiServer somehow get involved with forms authentication?
any ideas where to look,
Thanks in advance
Answer : Make sure EPiServer allows "everyone" to be able to "read" the login page. This overrides form authentication.
Doh, sorry ppl.
Hi, a bit of a strange one.
I have a custom login page, which has been added to the <location> section of the web.config to allow it to load outside of forms authentication.
It's been working fine, but a couple of days ago, when trying to load this page, the server gets into a loop and results in a URL with
until the querystring runs out of room and the browser chrashes.
this only happens if the login page inherits from a PageType (TemplatePage), but not if its just a system.web.ui.Page.
Can EPiServer somehow get involved with forms authentication?
any ideas where to look,
Thanks in advance