Exporting all properties to plain text


Hey Episerver devs.

We've had a requirement come in recently; a client with an Episerver CMS 6 site has requested that all of "translatable" properties on the site (such as WSYWIG fields, long strings, link collections etc) be exported to a plain text file, so that it can be handed to a translation company who will do their thing and then hand it back to us.

We proposed two solutions.

1. Use the import/export tool. This produces plain-text output which includes the values of all of the various properties on the site. In the client's case this will be a lot of English strings that the translation company would translate into various languages. Of course, ALL properties are included, so there's a lot of additional data the translation company would need to ignore.

2. Write a scheduled job that will recurse through Episerver's entire page tree, extracting the values of desired property types and organizing them into a human readable format. The output will be saved as a text file, which will be passed to the translation company. They will modify the text file and give it back to us. Another scheduled job will then parse the text file and update the required properties.

I really have two questions about this. My first is obviously "does the second option already exist somewhere?".

My second question is whether anyone can think of a better way to achieve the requirement. Likewise, if anyone things that one of the two listed solutions is actually the ideal solution it'd be great if you could mention that too.

Thanks in advance.

Jul 23, 2013 14:41

Have you checked out TranslateX? Not sure if it works for EPiServer CMS 6 out of the box, but should be easy to upgrade.

Hope this helps.


Jul 23, 2013 15:32

Thank you Frederik, that looks ideal. I've applied for membership on coderesort, I'll update this thread if I'm able to create a CMS 6 branch.

Edited, Jul 25, 2013 15:27

This was definitely the solution I was after. My modifications to make it compatible with CMS6
and any additional features will be documented here


Edited, Jul 26, 2013 16:56
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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