Page is editable/previewable but not viewable in view mode



I've got an error from log file that I've never met before and really don't know how to deal with it.

ERROR EPiServer.DataAbstraction.RuntimeModel.ModelMerger: Unable to set culture specific to false on the property Content. Doing so would have deleted content from the database.

My scenario is: I've a site in Swedish, the globalization section in web.cofig from beginning is

<globalization culture="en-US" uiCulture="en"../>

Then I create new page, master language is Swedish, then the page got error when I browse it in view mode (http://mysite/mypage) saying my page does not implement IController. I realized that simply add "sv" to the url will work (http://mysite/sv/mypage).

Then I change the globalization in web.config to have default language is SV instead of EN

<globalization culture="sv-SE" uiCulture="sv"

Now when I go back to the page, it's keep telling me 404 page not found. I can still browse the page in Edit mode, but not in view mode.

I've tried to google the issue, but got no result. Any help is really much appriciate!



Mar 12, 2014 14:56
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