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any way to see a break down of component load times?


A week ago, I had found an article that expressed how to see the loading times of different components on a page. I have not been able to find that article again. Does anyone know how I can do that?

I'm using Version 7.something. I'm not sure how to find the specific version I'm on.

- Thanks

May 26, 2015 16:31

I'm not sure if there's anything built-in.

You can use and ShowTimeMeters to get startup times.

When debugging applications, I usually use dotTrace profiler for back-end stuff, and Google Chrome Dev Tools for front-end stuff.

May 26, 2015 16:57

You can also use Glimpse on your site (it's an awesome tool). This blog describes how you need to configure it on an EPiServer site:

May 26, 2015 17:06

Thanks for the responses.  This is probably a very newby question, but what does the "<episerverUI>" refer to in "/<episerverUI>/Shell/Debug/ShowTimeMeters"?  Is this the "/EPiServer/CMS/", the Page I want to look at or some other path?  

 - Thanks!  :)

May 26, 2015 17:40

Hello Dan the "EPiServerUI" refers to the URL segment for EPiServer. So in your case its "/EPiServer" and the URL you need is "/episerver/Shell/Debug/ShowTimeMeters"

May 26, 2015 17:54


Just replace 12345 with your port number

May 26, 2015 17:56

Thanks, but this does not apear to work on mine.  trying the URL, it takes me back to a default page, and the internal log returns:

... 404 Error: /Shell/Debug/ShowTimeMeters

... the controller for path '/Shell/Debug/ShowTimeMeters' was not found or does not impliment IController. 

Is there something I'm supposed to have installed to look up things like ShowTimeMeters?  Do I need a minimum version?  I believe I'm running

 - Thanks.

May 26, 2015 19:02

(message corrected, but Edit/delete reply does not appear to be working now)

Thanks, but this does not apear to work on mine.  Trying the URL ("http://localhost:54163/EPiServer/Shell/Debug/ShowTimeMeters"), it takes me back to a default page, and the internal log returns:

... 404 Error: /Shell/Debug/ShowTimeMeters

... the controller for path '/Shell/Debug/ShowTimeMeters' was not found or does not impliment IController. 

Is there something I'm supposed to have installed to look up things like ShowTimeMeters?  Do I need a minimum version?  I believe I'm running

 - Thanks.

May 26, 2015 19:06

Hello Dan

You need to ensure you are logged in, in the administrators group and have the following in your web.config/appConfig.config:

    <add key="EPi.DebugView.Enabled" value="true" />


May 26, 2015 21:06
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.